Science at the intersection of human health and agriculture.
Science at the intersection of human health and agriculture.
Click on a topic below for more information
Roundup herbicide: World Health Organization announcement that this widely used herbicide “probably” causes cancer.
Statewide Plant Pest Prevention & Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (Pest PEIR)
August 2013 - New research by scientists at University of California, Davis & University of Thessaly, Greece proves 274 state “eradications” of medfly & other fruit flies over past 30 years have failed and that the state’s outdated approach to pest management is based on flawed, scientifically unsound assumptions and underscores why the Pest PEIR (see next issue below) is a flawed approach. Read our press release on the new fruit fly research here. Read our article about the new research on California Progress Report here.
Light brown apple moth (LBAM) program & lawsuit
We won a lawsuit challenging the LBAM program in Dec. 2015 when the appeals court threw out the program. Click here for more information.
CDFA Japanese beetle spray program - Sacramento
California Water Board pesticide spray permits